Chapter 178: Stunning Talent and Beauty, A Gift for the Senior Brother_3

This time, upon reaching the gate of the mountain, Lu Wufei found no one coming to open it.

He stepped forward, picked up the gilded bronze ring hanging on the large gate, and knocked hard.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

The knocking sound swiftly echoed throughout Cave Heaven of Wuzhuang Temple.

Inside Cave Heaven.

To the west lies a small courtyard in the kitchen.

Hearing the knocks, Ming Yue, who just put down his carrying pole and was wearing a pink robe, instantly asked in surprise, "Who could be knocking this early?"

"Anyone who can find our mountain gate must be a brother who has been outside, or other immortals..."

Intervening, Qing Feng managed to fix the steamer, wiped his hands, and started walking out, saying, "Let's go, no matter who it is, we should open the door first..."

"Could it be that the junior brother has returned?"

Ming Yue quickly caught up with Qing Feng and started speaking, "The junior brother is also outside..."