Chapter 187 We Can't Afford to Offend that Bai Lang!_2

Now, the once high and mighty Ancestor has quietly been replaced by King Bai.

They never had a choice in the matter.

Just a step behind the quick-reacting generals, they hastened to keep up.

Then the second one, the third one...

Even the middle-aged Bear Demon general, who was at the end of line and had just received a bland comment from Hu Meiniang, changed his expression and quickly started to fall in line with the formation.

"What did General Hu mean by her words?"

"It should be taken literally..."

"The literal meaning... She said our ancestor, General Hu's master, is gone... Does it mean he's dead?"

"Shh, keep it down, do you want to lose your life?"

"Like you have the right to say that?"

"Then what do you think General Hu meant?"

"I don't know... nothing significant has happened lately... Perhaps the ancestor left... In any case, he's definitely not in the Great Wilderness Mountain anymore..."