Chapter 190 The City of Thousand Demons_1

High in the sky.

In the azure firmament.

A tiny speck of golden light was dashing with the wind, in the midst of the vast azure force.


The surrounding was filled with the endless wind.

Lu Wufei was fully enveloped in the golden light, his face calm.

Since his last return from the sect, he only stayed on Mount Taiping for about a year and a half this time. It wasn't a long time.

Yet, he carried out many tasks.

Among them, accepting the Great Wilderness Mountain from the Ancestor of Demon Hu Yue, which has now successfully merged with Mount Taiping to become East and West Mount Taiping.

That was a significant event, especially for the surrounding forces.

It meant that the power of Mount Taiping suddenly expanded greatly.

As for Lu Wufei.

Brawls under the Demon King level were no longer within his scope of concern.

As mentioned before.

The departure of Ancestor Hu Yue made Lu Wufei's trips somewhat troublesome.

Because no one was guarding Mount Taiping.