Chapter 198: A Hundred Years of Cultivation, Enlightenment in a Day, I am a Great Immortal!_1

"Please, this way..."

The leading middle-aged eagle demon, who rarely smiled, attempted to do so now, but it came off rather awkward.

The other three demon kings around seemed to share a similar feeling.

They all turned their obsequious smiles towards Lu Wufei who stood before them.

For them, the man in the green robe before them emitted a strong aura. They couldn't precisely gauge his cultivation, but they believed he hadn't reached the Demon Ancestor Territory.

However, that was the least of their concerns.

Even if an ancestor level being dared to come to Blue Feather Mountain, they would need to state their business clearly, unless they didn't want to leave.

Nevertheless, they dared not show the least disrespect to the man in green.

The man's elder brother was their own king, and though they didn't have confirmation, they were nearly certain this was the truth.

They had heard that their king had indeed come from a prominent Immortal Sect.