Chapter 203 The Second King of Mount Taiping!_2

Just as he had said to the Demon Kings of Huoguang Cave, Lishui Mansion and Eagle Cliff in the hall today.

He planned to take Mount Taiping as the center, carved out a spot, allowing the demons from the other territories to trade freely there.

Once the model matures and experience is gained, expansion towards the surrounding areas of several territories will gradually proceed.

With Lion Camel Country as an example, he also wanted to create a similar exchange location for the Demon Clan.

Once it scales up.

Lu Wufei would dare to erect cities and establish kingdoms.

See if he could create the second Lion Camel Country, or even surpass it.

Although in this world, one's cultivation is of utmost importance. Guarding Mount Taiping and traveling back and forth between Wanshou Mountain and Wuzhuang Temple seemed to be his life trajectory.

But Lu Wufei wanted to change that.

Back when he was in Lion Camel Country, he had similar thoughts.