Chapter 221 Sun Wukong: Old Sun Will Not Be Ungrateful! _2

Yet, even before he was ready, the battle swiftly took a turn for the worse.

Bai Lang had battered Roc to the point that his face was bloody and swollen, sending him fleeing in humiliation.

The sight left him both astonished and conflicted.

If Bai Lang could defeat Roc, he was certainly no match for him either.

This realization left him somewhat disheartened and helpless.

Nevertheless, recalling the image of Roc's ignominious retreat seemed to lift his spirits.

He recalled how Roc had once swaggered before him, acting so high and mighty.

A situation he was utterly powerless to change.

Now, seeing Roc brutally beaten and battered, he felt a profound sense of satisfaction, as though a great grudge had been avenged.

Even though he wasn't the one who beat Roc.

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, at Bai Lang who was howling his triumph to the heavens.

In that moment, Bai He felt a surge of intense envy.