Chapter 164 Development of Thousand Leaves Academy _1

With each swing of the axe, a pine tree falls.

Engrossed in the task, Ye Fan found a sort of addictive joy in the process.

The power of his fourth-level Heart Power surpasses the attack power of the Human Immortal Realm.

Upon reaching the fourth level of Heart Power, it's possible to construct a virtual world.

In Ye Fan's mind, a fragmentary world began to slowly rotate.

Next, this world needed to be perfected using Heart Power.

The more perfected the world, the stronger the Heart Power.

When the Virtual World becomes fully perfected, the Heart Power naturally breaks through to the fifth level.

Level five Heart Power is equivalent to a Golden Immortal.

Ye Fan learned this from the woodcutter.

Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Golden Immortal.

In the Changming Daqian World, a Golden Immortal is a formidable master.

Even in the Black Dragon Empire, it was rumored that the King was just an Earth Immortal.