Chapter 175 Theater

"Painter" instantly raised Pei Ye's eyebrows.

Li Piaoqing was also startled, exchanged a glance with the youth, and both set their eyes intently on the stage, no longer thinking of leaving after a brief listen.

The play had been wailing and squeaking for an hour.

Golden silents and harmonious atmosphere of proper theaters were impossible to find here; the place was incessantly loud. Drama guests only made up a small portion of the audience; the rest were women and elders, who brought along their children to find some amusement.

However, those listening most attentively were these children, big and small. Many, unaccompanied by adults, had rolled up their trousers, their feet blackened, their hair braids covered in the dust and hubbub of Qi Jiu Nine City, as they discussed the plot and the lyrics seriously, and even tried singing along — it was indeed their babble that added a layer of noise to the playhouse.