Though still following the old track, Pei Ye took a step and couldn't help but turn back with a smile, "When I came my feet pointed forward, and when I go back they point backward; however, I walk, they never meet."
Xu Chuo laughed, "Then you should walk backward, so others can't figure out why we only enter and never leave."
"I have True Qi, so naturally, I can walk backward, but how can you see behind you while walking backward?"
"I don't need to walk backward, my feet are small, I can just tiptoe."
'...Wouldn't those two people end up facing one another?'
Pei Ye thought about that rather foolish image in his Heart, shook his head, and proceeded straight forward.
Xu Chuo was slightly disappointed, but she also knew this game was just right for her, yet far too childish for a seventeen-year-old boy. She simply sighed softly, holding the warmer, and continued to follow behind him.
"In the past, Sister Sisi and I always played like this," she added a bit begrudgingly.