The man grunted, "Today they said there is a Merfolk Pearl play by Chen Su, so I came to listen when I found the time."
Pei Ye turned to look at him. The most striking impression the man gave Pei Ye was his cleanliness: clean clothes, a clean face, clean expressions, a clean voice... Dressed in a simple robe with a cloak thrown over, he wore no ornaments or fluttering sashes, and his hair was held up by only a small ring.
The second impression he gave was of bland tranquility; if Yan Feiqing was like the white plum in the snow, then this man was even more like the falling snow itself, which did not carry any otherworldly aura and evenly covered the world, regardless of jade trees and beautiful branches or dirty mud and mire.
He slowly rubbed a round light blue jade stone in his left hand as if to keep it warm, yet that was not a warm jade. Pei Ye keenly sensed the cool chill emanating from it—it was clearly a piece of cold jade.