Chapter 515 Grinding Gun Old Five_1

It was a close call this time, Wei Cheng was only seconds away from being exposed, but to his luck, he was obstinately saved by Number Four who was a woman on a mission, appearing like a heroine saving a hero.

But this also proved one thing, it was not Number Four who had a problem, but that there is a massive secret hiding in the lower realm.

No matter whether it was those Conjoined Path Demons or Number's Four and Five, who were engaged in a fierce competition for survival, they all had inklings about what was going on. Thus, Number Five was anxious and Number Four even more so.

In their panic, they act recklessly.

So Wei Cheng's narrow escape this time was more out of necessity than luck.

Number Four and Number Five had already become arch-enemies.

Even the slightest ripple would prompt them to take risks.

Wei Cheng simply wore down Number Four's defences.