Chapter 56: The Real Disorder, My Liu Village Can Stand Still! (Ask for a follow-up reading) _1

In the gloom, Jiang Hui felt several gazes directed at him. The gazes penetrated the sky, appearing from all directions, possessing an indescribable majestic strength.

Especially two of them, they descended from the endless sky, seeming to stir the clattering sound of chains, like a thunderous rumble, with a shocking momentum that took one's breath away.

However, with the cover of Paradise, Jiang Hui was not very panic-stricken.

As expected, it was only after a long while that those several gazes reluctantly moved away. They found nothing abnormal, despite using their secret techniques to probe.

At Stone Village,

The tender green willow buds swayed in the wind, while the ground was stained with blood left by powerful beings. The contrast of green and red blended, creating a unique sense of grotesque beauty.

The great battle had came to an end.