Chapter 62: Departure Fire Divine Bull_1

It was a giant God Bull, its entire body as red as blood. It was over ten meters high and over thirty meters long. It was covered in lava, cloaked in fire, exuding extraordinary momentum. However, its aura was a bit chaotic, and its body was covered with large and small wounds. Both of its bull horns were completely fractured and entwined with flames.

"It's the Departure Fire Divine Bull!" Lin Zhuang rubbed his eyes and recognized the other party, somewhat disbelief.

During the previous siege against the Suan Ni, he had seen this ferocious beast covered in fire. It was awe-inspiringly savage and could control the scorching rolling lava. It was one of the only few kings in this territory. Although it was not a match for the old Suan Ni and was beaten so its horns were shattered before fleeing into the wilderness, its terrifying power was not something other ferocious beasts could compare with.