Chapter 117: The Backyard of Liu Village (First Update)_1

It was a long while before the flames on the Departure Fire Divine Bull began to slowly diminish.

New hair had already grown on it, tinged with a hint of gold amidst the red under the sunlight, appearing like a golden cloak, making it more extraordinary.

Besides, the aura of the old Barbarian Bull had become terrifyingly strong. Its eyes were ablaze, its vitality surged, and its blood boiled, making it seems like a huge furnace, turning into a sky-reaching fire that was as red as fresh blood.

"Did it really succeed?!" Jiang Hui stood tall in the mountains, observing everything below.

He had originally thought that even with the Departure Fire Pill, it would be difficult for the Departure Fire Divine Bull to be promoted from the Species of the Ancient Times to a Pure Blood Ferocious Beast, but it seemed that apart from the process looking a bit distressing, it encountered no significant hurdles.

This old Barbarian Bull was pretty lucky. It was indeed a blessed bull.