Chapter 119: How Did They Get In? _2

If it hadn't become pure blood, the Departure Fire Divine Bull wouldn't have considered itself a match for this Fei Yi.

The opponent was much more terrifying than he had imagined, being proficient in treasured techniques and yet, its body still at its peak.

The most important factor was that the opponent was able to condense a terrifying weapon from a single tusk, acting decisively and ruthlessly. Had it been any other prodigy, they would likely have been cleaved in half by now.

But once they have successfully crossed over to pure blood, the increase in power is a qualitative change. Even if they were at the same realm, they would easily topple all kinds of species of the ancient times. The extent of their lives is simply not on the same level.

"This Fei Yi's body is quite a prize, they say the soup made from it is exceptionally delicious!"