Chapter 142: The Spiritual Medicine Field and Watchtower_1

"Senior, the Sacrificial Spirit of Liu Village is indeed formidable. If he were to lend us a hand, Heaven Mending Pavilion would surely survive this crisis in safety!"

Little Dot heaved a sigh, his thoughts etched deeply.

Unfortunately, he did not even know where Liu Village was located.

Moreover, he had a hunch that, even if he knew where it was, he would probably be unable to reach that mysterious place without a villager guiding him.

"Child, there's no need to feel sorrow for me or regret for Heaven Mending Pavilion. This cause and effect have been dictated by fate. Perhaps today's outcome has been predetermined long ago!"

The Old Vine spoke, his voice slightly hoarse, evidently resigned to life and death.

"Moreover, even if you were to find the Sacrificial Spirit of the village, he might not lend a hand. Don't let these things bring you down, my boy. Such is the world; tomorrow's sun will always rise!"

The Old Vine let out a kind voice.