Chapter 168: Double Pupils Woman (First Update)_1

"If I recall, according to the legend, that double-pupiled youth achieved the realm of Spirit Transformation at this age, shocking the Wilderness and becoming a legend and a wonderful tale!"

One of those who recently arrived in Liu Village spoke up.

He was a middle-aged man who thought that this young boy named Gu Chen might be able to stand on equal footing with that globally noticed presence.

Both of them were of the same age and achieved the same great feat, therefore, unless something accidental happens, they are definitely destined to become famous figures in the Wilderness Area in the future.

"The Double Pupil Holder should have accomplished that a few years as earlier. After all, he is a Double Pupil Holder. This is the physique of the Ancient Sage, piercing through illusion, seeing the essence through ostentation, and even concealed within the double pupils is the unmatched method."