Chapter 178: Buy and Let Go, Duel Between the Two Stones Across the Air (10,000 words, ask for subscription)_1

In the corner.

A figure was in a state of confusion and helpless, it took a long while to regain his senses.

"Why do I run into these people wherever I go, they are like lingering souls!"

The figure was none other than Little Dot who was lurking around, but now he had transformed into a burly man and was not noticed by outsiders.

He had already agreed with Bird Grandpa and Boss Jing Bi to spread news so that he would step in himself and rake in a fortune when the time came.

But things had turned out otherwise - the news of his upcoming appearance in the Void God Realm had not stirred much interest, and it was even suppressed by the news about Liu Village, leaving Little Dot quite helpless.

What depressed him most was seeing those "familiar" figures again.

It made his head ache.