Chapter 182: All the gods will wither away, that I have seen (First update)_2

This is the most basic, yet simplest treasured technique, and also a prerequisite for the Ancestral Witch Destiny Symbol.

At the same time.

It is also a very powerful body cultivation Divine Skill.

If cultivated to the extreme, it can make the cultivator's body immortal. Even if the soul disappears, a new spirit can be born from the existing body. A drop of blood can bring about rebirth, a drop of blood can rival the grandeur of stars.

Generation after generation, deathless and undying, the flow of time cannot leave any trace on it.

Ancestral Witches, whose bodies are undying, are comparable to the most horrifying and powerful Ferocious Beast clans. The most accomplished can break open heaven and earth with their strength, and the spiritual cavities in their bodies can even transform into a universe of stars. Even without relying on divine skills, they can suppress the heavens with the power of their bodies alone.