Chapter 185: Stone Toughness Dead, Curse Power, God Flame Man (Revised) _1

Even though he didn't succeed, Jiang Hui was quite interested in the method the old man had used.

If he wasn't mistaken, the other party should have used a kind of curse that could kill imperceptibly, making it hard even for a Divine Spirit to detect.

Moreover, curses also came in various ranks. If an extremely powerful being used a certain forbidden curse, even a Supreme Great Emperor had a chance of being assassinated.

However, the old man's power was too weak, even a low-level curse couldn't display one tenth of its potential power.

Of course, another main reason was that Little Dot was incredibly strong with boundless potential, having grown a Second Piece of Supreme Bone.

If it weren't for the temporary control granted by the second piece of Supreme Bone, it's hard to say whether Shi Hao could have resisted the erosion of the Curse Power.

If it had been anyone else, the old man's attack would have been absolutely successful.

In the arena.