Chapter 187: Deity's Wrath (Revised)_1

After making short work of the Divine Flame man, Jiang Hui's eyes blazed as he turned towards the land occupied by Demon Spirit Lake.

Since his presence was already known to people, he thought of going all the way.

If he heard correctly before, the plan to slay the gods was primarily led by this ancient power.

After the Region Envoy took action, that power had been shattered, but there were still remnants, survivors.

"You humans covet the slaying of gods, today, let a god slay your insolent generation first!"

Jiang Hui remained expressionless, took a step forward, and arrived directly over Demon Spirit Lake.

He liked to repay grudges personally and promptly.

If these ancient forces wanted to move against him, they should be ready to bear the price of his anger.

"Liu Village God, what are you doing?"

The surviving Nobles of the Demon Spirit Lake roared, sensing a bad omen.