Chapter 194: Jiang Hui and Willow God Discuss Tao (1) (First Update)_1

The Divine Stone was squawking and using all its strength, but still couldn't escape from Tu Wa's grip. Instead, it got itself even dirtier.

This peculiar stone, nicknamed by Little Dot as Stone Tyrant, was almost on the edge of tears. It believed that it carried the historic duty of leading the Divine Stone Tribe to great glory, and that it was destined to become the most brilliant star among the stones, forever known as a great Stoneman. How could it end up so embarrassed?!

However, after a few more hard struggles, the Divine Stone gave up.

This little brat may look young, but he was brutal in his actions. The more the stone struggled, the harder the kid would squeeze it, as if he were about to use it to bash fish.

To save face, the Divine Stone decided to feign ignorance.

Luckily, Tu Wa quickly handed it back to Shi Hao after playing with it for a while.

But his eyes were immediately drawn to the small, exquisitely crafted Bone Tower.