Chapter 199: The Golden Toad Swallows the Sun, The Supreme Catastrophe (Part 1)_1

However, Shi Hao quickly adjusted his emotions.

He knew very well that reaching such heights at this age was already extraordinary.

After all, he was only 14 years old, he couldn't achieve everything all at once. Perhaps if he were born a bit earlier, he could have reached the peak. But as for now, even if he wanted to follow in the footsteps of the Willow God, and fight alongside him, he'd have to take it step by step.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

Only in this way can he go further, for longer.

In an instant of realization, Little Dot's face grew determined.

Jiang Hui, with his external avatar suspended in mid-air, watched the young man before him with a profound gaze.

Probably no one would have thought this mischievous boy, who caused trouble wherever he went, would one day become the strongest slayer of the desolate ancient beings, millennia in the future.