Chapter 207: Sword King Grass (2nd Update)_1

Jiang Hui's palm sprang out, transforming into a huge, sky-covering hand, spanning a range of several tens of kilometers. Inside, the Starry Sea alternated, shining brilliantly. It directly scooped up the cave along with the entire mountain range.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Looking out as far as the eye could see, the earth split, streams ceased, ancient trees toppled, and rolling rocks emanated powerful sounds. The sight was frighteningly similar to the arrival of the apocalypse.

Such a scene was exceedingly shocking.

In just the blink of an eye, the area turned into a rhombus-shaped, dark abyss, unfathomably deep. The falling rocks echoed...

On witnessing this scene,

the God Power Stone Demon Monkey couldn't help but swallow hard.

This awe-inspiring sight of usurping the heavens and earth greatly moved it. It was unimaginable how a mere wave of the hand caused an entire ten-thousand-meter-high peak to be easily uprooted.