Chapter 227: Hasn't that village been targeted yet? (3rd Update) _2

Tu Wa Zi, Gu Chen, Lin Zhuang, Lin Chen and others have also advanced in their cultivation. However, the time for settling was too short, so there's still a significant distance from breaking through to the Noble Realm.

What is worth mentioning is...

The Broad Sword man with the Sword King Body unintentionally imprinted a Divine Rune during a trial in the Divine Tomb Trial Ground. This Divine Rune is special. Even if completely mastered, it has no killing power, but it can be used to extract cultivation time.


A swarm of golden bees flew out from the flowers between the mountain peaks.

They are guests who came at the same time as the Three-eyed Raven in Jiang Hui's body. Now they naturally have become his followers.

Compared to the beginning, these golden bees have become more brilliant, like they are made of pure gold, appearing densely and in large groups, dazzling under the sunlight.