Chapter 228: That is the Tomb of the Gods (1) - The First Update _3

"These are surely creatures of the Sect Leader Level who are defying fate, striving to dispatch the deity of the Upper Realm completely into the Lower Realm. They are determined to be free from the chains of order, and fully destroy the Lower Realm Eight Domains!"

Several Nobles that had already fled the Lower Realm early on, had their eyes filled with sorrow and could not help but speak out in despair.

He who spoke was an older man with white hair and much of his body already in the grave. If he is unable to make a breakthrough, might not survive for just a few more decades. At this moment, his face was brimming with anger and yet, there was a sense of dread. He felt utterly powerless.

Because he knew he could not change the course of events no matter what he did.

The seventh day.

Above the sky, following a roar of discontent, all odd celestial phenomena disappeared without a trace.
