Chapter 231: Forbidden Territory (Part 1) (First Update)_1

With the emergence of that voice.

For a moment, immense Buddhist chanting rose, transforming into the eternal and immortal sound of the Dao, just like a deity whispering, the sky rumbled, shaking one's heart, making every effort to block Jiang Hui from setting foot in this place.

Jiang Hui, of course, was not moved, and continued to step forward. With each step he took, the heaven and earth would resonate.

He stood tall, unmatched by any, bathing in dazzling radiance. Behind him, a colossal figure that stood tens of thousands of feet tall was condensed, with his head reaching the chaotic sky and feet stepping on the underworld. Aura revolving around him confronted the invisible force, without losing any ground. With the passage of time, he soon began to gain the upper hand.

The surrounding area was soon enveloped in dense fog, obstructing all divine thoughts.


Through the billowing fog, Jiang Hui saw the golden hand bone suddenly move.