Chapter 241: Shi Hao and Liu Village (First Update)_1

(The previous chapter has been slightly modified, it should be smoother now. The first update for today, North Pumpkin will pull an all-nighter to make up for the chapters tonight, sorry everyone.)



This seemingly just a teenager had already reached the Noble Realm!!?

A group of people were shocked, all of them staring at Tu Wa Zi like seeing ghosts, trying to see something from him.

This feeling was like someone you didn't know suddenly shouted out on the street that they won five million.

Especially those with white hair, half-bodies already buried in the thick loess, yet still struggling in the Inscription Texture and Array Realms.

Their eyes were filled with indescribable complex emotions, they all felt like they had lived their whole life for nothing.

They thought that the appearance of just one Stone Emperor in this world was already a rare event in ten thousand years.