Chapter 253: A Hundred Thousand Miles to the Mortal World (End) (First Update, 4300 Words)_1

(These are the extra updates of yesterday, combined into one, which are about the events in the Upper Realm. The next chapter is probably around midnight)



The golden light shines, penetrating through the gaps in the leaves, casting mottled shadows of trees, illuminating the tall figure, casting a long shadow...

Everything carries the most intoxicating fragrance.

In the forest, although summer has passed, the cicada songs continue, blending with the clear and pleasant bird calls, not harsh, like a symphony, soothing to the soul.

The War Goddess today is not wearing her characteristic golden armor, but is dressed in lighter, fitted clothes.

At first glance, the long sky-blue skirt extends downward, accentuating her slender white legs, which are smooth and sturdy without any excess fat.