Chapter 263: I Will Take Away the Ancient Tomb (First Update)_3

At this thought, Jiang Hui unveiled his aura, decisively showing himself, stepping down from high above—the few steps that brought him before Little Dot.

"Is Gluttonous Meat delicious?"

He leisurely spoke, his voice deep and thick, carrying an indescribable magnetism, mixed with some traces of a lazy coolness.

"It is tasty, but this Gluttonous Meat is too fatty in places, you would get sick of it if you eat too much!"

Shi Hao casually responded without raising his head or even thinking.

However, the next moment, as if sensing something, he abruptly raised his gaze and happened to meet Jiang Hui's eyes. In an instant, his surroundings changed, turning into a vast expanse of nothingness.

Startled, Little Dot quickly pinched his arm hard and his eyes promptly regained clarity.

"It's you, what are you doing here!"

Little Dot exclaimed, taken aback yet pleasantly surprised, but no matter what, he dared not meet Jiang Hui's gaze again.
