Chapter 274: Forbidden Area? Liu Village Forbidden Land! (Second Update)_1

The skeleton had a warm and silky white texture, emitting a faint brilliance, similar to that of amber agate. It was concentrated and hard, extraordinarily formidable.

Moreover, terror-inducing runes entwined around the skeleton. Even in its state of turned to bone, it emanated an invincible meaning that caused all beings to fear it.

But this was far from the most crucial thing.

The most important aspect was, this skeleton… was actually a True Dragon.

While they had never seen a living True Dragon, the True Dragon Clan was not made up. It genuinely existed in this world and once demonstrated unprecedented power, overthrowing all in its path in numerous eras past.

Thus, many preserved historical books contained descriptions and illustrations of True Dragons. The top artists of contemporary times made these illustrations with painstaking care—they weren't just simple ink wash paintings, but more like reenactments of the actual scenes.