Chapter 277: Demon Lord's True Blood (Third update)_1

"The legacy of Immortal King!"

Upon hearing these words, Tu Wa Zi and the others couldn't help but hold their breath.

That was a realm they dared not even imagine, belonging to a different domain and existing only in legends.

It is said that once one stepped into that domain, their lifespan would truly become endless. Even without relying on longevity substances, one could live forever. With a single thought, stars could fall, sun and moon could fade, and even the immortal Taoist orthodoxy would crumble in a blink of an eye.

"Lord Willow God, can we also do it even though we haven't practiced the Thunder Path Technique?"

This time the broad sword man spoke up.

Although he had joined Liu Village for a short time, because Jiang Hui had once bestowed the Underworld Grass to successfully awaken his loved one from her vegetative state, the Broad Sword Man's Faith Value was also remarkable in the whole village!