Chapter 282: Never Pick a One-On-One Fight If You Can Battle in Groups (2nd Update)_1

"This person's train of thought is so peculiar. He was just having a one-on-one fight, but in the next moment he wants to call for a group assault?!"

Everyone looked surprised, doubting whether they had heard wrong, because the opponent's change was too abrupt, their brains seemed to be unable to keep up with the development of the situation.

The young man had a fearless demeanor just a moment ago, and wanted to compete with this young member of the Immortal Palace, but now he was calling for reinforcements...

Could it be that the other party really believed that their superiority in numbers would help them defeat the legendary Immortal prodigy?

The onlookers were all chattering, the noise was loud and boisterous, and more and more creatures were rushing towards this place from afar.

They had all heard about the fight between the heir of the Immortal Palace and others. They all felt curious and surprised, so they couldn't help but travel thousands of miles to witness it.