Chapter 299: Warm Liu Village, Tu Wa Zi and Others Ignite The Divine Flame (Revised)_1

From afar, the figure shrouded in flames appeared massive like a small mountain, exuding a monstrous menace. Wherever it passed, it seemed as if countless volcanoes erupted, truly like a Demon Bull resurrected from ancient times, bringing an inexplicable overwhelming pressure to the mortal world.

"That's Brother Chen's mount, a rare Departure Fire Divine Bull, one of the few pure blood creatures in our village, with considerable strength!"

Little Dot introduced everything he knew to the Great Demon King dutifully.

"Pure blood... how... how is that possible?"

Shi Zhong Tian looked grim, his voice filled with incredulity.

He was no stranger to the Departure Fire Divine Bull, a creature possessing a hint of ancient bloodline, although rare, they were not impossible to encounter.

Especially when he was in the Lower Realm, he had even hunted this kind of Ferocious Beast.