Chapter 324: Jiang Hui Enters the Supreme (End)_2

The Elder Supreme of the Li Family showed anger in his face.

The old man was truly angry. He usually kept himself secluded, hoping to break through to the Divine Realm within his lifetime. He had long handed over authority to the younger generations and rarely appeared unless there was a matter threatening the survival of the clan. He had no idea such a thing had happened within the clan.

People around him looked at each other after being scolded, but no one dared to say anything, as they too didn't know why this was happening.

"Open the coffin!"

Soon, the coffin in the mound was opened.

But to everyone's surprise, no corpse was found inside, just an empty coffin.

"What's going on?" the Great High Ancestor turned towards a middle-aged man.

That was Li Zi Cheng's biological father, Li Nan Zhu.