Chapter 347: The Fall of the Incomplete Fairy, The Fear of Five Elements Mountain Spirit_1

"I have already seen a corner of the future, you are doomed to die!"

Jiang Hui, with his hands behind his back, was dressed in a white robe, shining brightly like a radiant star. He was wrapped in a massive and immortal aura, vast and boundless, as deep and unknowable as the starry sky.

"The future? You dare to speak to me about the future? In the Three Thousand Dao Regions, my word is the future!"

The Incomplete Fairy's voice was ethereal, genderless, imbued with a certain special power, and held endless majesty.

She was bathed in a rich Immortal Path's luminescence. Even if her aura was restrained, it was still earth-shattering. The universe shivered as if a storm was sweeping across the earth, highly exaggerated.

At this moment, heaven and earth fell silent. Everyone held their breaths, their heads deeply bowed, fearing to offend the supreme dignity of the immortals. Even the Sect Hierarchs trembled in outright worship.