Chapter 351: Wilderness (Second Update)_1

(Typos have been corrected)



"Did that Remnant Immortal from the Immortal Palace... really die?"

Even as the Supreme Giants personally broke the news, some Sect Hierarchs still couldn't believe it. Without seeing it for themselves, it was hard to accept.

This wasn't necessarily because they were with the Remnant Immortal, although they were to some extent, but only a small part of them were. Most of them were shocked by the news.

They should understand that in Three Thousand Dao Regions, the rules of Heaven and Earth are incomplete, the Great Taoist is missing, if one wants to become an Immortal, they can only step into the Immortal Domain. It was not easy for an Immortal to appear in Ten Lands, who was killed before he came out of the mountain, which made many Sect Hierarchs feel unreal and overly childish.