Chapter 362: The Blood-Stained Black Ship, Are You Looking for Emperor Huang Tian? _2

Aside from these three items, he had also come across several other good treasures along the way. Upholding the principle of never missing a single one, he had taken anything that seemed pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Hui isn't embarrassed about this at all. After all, these are all unowned items, and who knows, perhaps they could still shine brilliantly and radiate warmth in his hands in the future.

Of course, there were also some horrors that were too terrible for even him to touch at his current strength level. If he forced it, unimaginable calamity would strike.

Despite his unwillingness, he could only choose to temporarily give up.

After personally boarding this ancient ship, Jiang Hui felt the terrifying power of Emperor Merciless more deeply within his heart.

This was merely a paper ship he had casually folded, but it possessed such anomality. Even in the face of a battle against those stronger than him on the river of time, it still did not decay or perish.