Chapter 376: The Resurrection of the Floating Corpse_1

The spectacle of the past reappeared in grandeur, like thundering chariot wheels, but it did not last long. Soon, all sights vanished like smoke in the wind.

In their place, as far as the eye could see, were towering cliffs everywhere. They were as sharp as trident daggers, abruptly rising countless fathoms into the sky. They were imbued with an overwhelming sense of foreboding, like stone spikes strewn across the solitary island, creating an oppressive atmosphere.

This was the result of cumulative Sword Qi left behind from the past. It crisscrossed fiercely, whittling down the once robust mountains. Even after countless ages, it had not diminished in the slightest, retaining its unstoppable momentum just like the old days.

Without the safety passage of the Dam Key, even the presence of Sect Leader Level entities could be easily slain by the Sword Qi floating in the air. Even a Supreme being would bleed profusely if they were not careful.