Chapter 95: The United Magic of the Piercing Duke and the Ice Witch_1

Inside the city hall, Ivita yelled, "The feudal system also poses significant problems, such as wealth stagnation, corrupted trade markets due to privilege, and peaceless cities due to nobility's conspiracies. An individual's power reaching an extent where they can arbitrarily dispose of half a city's property is an issue."

"If a person's caprice demands the entire city to exhaust unlimited resources to fulfill it, where does that leave our city's trade?"

"When everyone becomes someone's slave, there won't be a market. The wool collecting business will collapse, the weavers will go bankrupt, the roof tile makers will be jobless, money lenders won't have customers, and honest businesspeople will only be able to farm to pay taxes to the supreme master."

Ivan said, "This is what we see in the condition of the kingdoms and duchies to the north of our Ambros land."

"Those kingdoms and duchies are not as adept at trade as we Ambros people."