Chapter 103: The Wrath of the Lord, The Persistence of the Clock Kingdom! 4168 words_1

Lord Prole showed a scheming smile of triumph, he moved forward, and the leaders of Parviga Guild become fearful.

With a righteous proclamation, the Lord declares, "I have killed Alice, and everyone with her, including the one who defamed the monarchical nobility unceremoniously at Lion Pallet."

"I now control the city of Parviga."

"If you wish to maintain your previous status, you must cooperate with me."

"Hand over items that represent your identity, as I will send people to your guild headquarters to mobilize your private armed forces."

The guild leaders looked at each other.

Some were scared, some were reluctant, and some were skeptical.

Is Lady Alice really dead?

Did everyone by her side also die?

Was the young man, who bravely voiced his opinion and proclaimed the superiority of Ambros Country's mix of city governance, monarchy, and nobility, also killed by the Lord?

They harbored doubts, but amid the chaos, their mental faculties were in shock.