Chapter 108: Can you turn into a Fire Dragon? Low-Dimensional Gods are not Real Gods!_2

Antioch shook his head and laughed. "Parviga seems to be falling into the hands of the nobility."

"So be it."

"The young friend is also a noble, so even if the noble faction wins, I believe they will just make him surrender, after all, his domain is in a key location in the west."

"If the nobles do win shortly, when we leave, let's not forget to bestow the divine blessing on these nobles, acknowledging their lawful rule."

The bishop of Parviga was taken aback. "What if Lady Alice wins?"

"Then the divine blessing should be bestowed on her, although, I think she has already lost. I saw the soldier she sent for help was killed by a noble knight. Actually, she lost at that moment." Antioch moved his pawn forward.

"One wrong move and the whole situation is lost."

"My pawn has crossed the river, you better be careful. Focus on the chessboard, please concentrate a little more."

"Otherwise, my victory will be no fun at all."