Wang Yiwu was showing his support for Zhongxuan Zun in his own way!
Although he was unable to leave the death camp and could not return to Linzi, he wanted the people of Linzi to know that he, Wang Yiwu, still existed in this world.
He used his achievement of killing Hua Fangyu of the Outer Building using the Divine Skills Formation to tell Linzi that the first rank of Qi Country's Inner Mansion was still uncertain!
Moreover, he used this terse report, containing but a single sentence, to build momentum for Zhongxuan Zun.
Tianfu, the foremost mansion under heaven.
Jiang Wang was nothing to worry about, and Zhongxuan Sheng even less so.
Zhongxuan Sheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Well played!"
As for Jiang Wang...
He was not particularly surprised by Wang Yiwu's accomplishment. He had never doubted Wang Yiwu's strength and talent. Being historically the first from Tongtian Environment was, in itself, a milestone.