Full-Scale Attack

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. Now, this meeting is adjourned. You all go back and recruit everyone you can find. Remember, I want everyone. I'm giving you half an hour. Half an hour later, everyone must assemble at the entrance."

"Zhang Ning, I'm assigning you a few people to guard the Zhang family. All the others will come with me to attack the Shen family."

"Now is the time when the Shen family is recruiting people. We must take advantage of this opportunity to attack. We cannot afford to let the Shen family prepare and then face us. Once we win this battle..."

"We won't have to worry about spirit stone issues. Who knows, we might even gain more spirit stones. But if we fail, the Zhang family's strength will be significantly reduced. However, if we win, not only will our strength not diminish, but it will increase."

"By then, the Zhang family will undoubtedly be the unchallenged ruler of Yun City. No one can threaten our position."