
The severe beating was quite satisfying, even Lan Youdie secretly applauded. Chang Yu's previous actions had obviously left a lasting grudge in her heart.

Lan Youdie was a highly pragmatic woman who wouldn't even spare a glance for someone she deemed had no practical use. The current Chang Yu, who had been affectionate with her earlier, was an example. She had now completely distanced herself from him due to a single Heavenly Fragrance Fruit.

Seeing Chang Yu being beaten and screaming in pain, Lan Youdie couldn't be bothered to intercede for him. She left with a snort.

On the other hand, Mengyu, who had a kind heart, hurriedly approached Shi Feiyu and separated him from Chang Yu. As they left, she even threw a detoxification pill at Chang Yu.

Although Shi Feiyu had only used a burst of power to severely beat Chang Yu earlier, the injuries within his body gradually began to worsen on the way back. Cold sweat soon soaked his clothes.

Seeing that Shi Feiyu was struggling on the journey back, Mengyu rushed to assist him. However, Shi Feiyu pressed his body against her soft form, taking advantage of the situation.

He still maintained some restraint, only holding her around the shoulder as they proceeded slowly. Mengyu, too, turned a blind eye, acting as if she hadn't noticed.

When the two of them returned to Flowing Cloud Peak, the sky was already bright with the morning sun breaking through the clouds and casting a faint golden light on the mountaintop.

After settling Shi Feiyu, Mengyu hurriedly returned to Callous Peak. She hadn't returned all night, and she would undoubtedly face questioning from her master, Murong Lan.

Shi Feiyu felt somewhat helpless about this. Callous Peak Leader Murong Lan was known to be a stern master who strictly disciplined her disciples. Any minor transgression would result in punishment.

"Such a pity..."

Shi Feiyu couldn't help but feel a bit reluctant about Mengyu's departure. It wasn't that he didn't want to part ways with her, but with only him left on Flowing Cloud Peak now, her departure would leave him feeling lonely once again.

While lying on his bed lost in thought, he suddenly heard a series of squeaks coming from the doorway. Turning his head slightly, he saw the spiritual monkey that Mengyu had raised sitting at the entrance, gazing at him.

"What are you looking at? Go find something to eat for me!" Frustration welled up in Shi Feiyu's heart, and he suddenly scolded the monkey, "Little rascal, wait until I'm healed, and I'll deal with you!"

However, the monkey didn't seem to mind his words this time. It disappeared from the doorway, only to return shortly with two mountain fruits.

The monkey placed the fruits by his bedside, then hopped onto the table and began fiddling with its own fingers. Seeing its well-behaved demeanor, Shi Feiyu's anger dissipated, and he quickly consumed the two fruits before falling into a deep sleep.

He slept until the next afternoon when he suddenly awoke. As he moved to get up, he felt pain from his injuries, causing him to frown. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a bowl of medicinal soup placed on a stool by the bed.

The soup had long gone cold, and it seemed that Mengyu, concerned about his worsening injuries, had visited quietly. She might have been reprimanded by Callous Peak Leader and didn't dare to stay long.

The injuries he sustained this time were quite severe. If he hadn't laid a foundation earlier, Shi Feiyu might have already been killed by Chang Yu's kick.

Struggling to take a few steps, he reheated the medicinal soup and consumed it. He intended to go back and continue resting, but he remembered the incomplete volume of Arts of Talisman he found in his master's room.

If he could learn the art of talismans from it, even mastering just one type, Shi Feiyu believed he wouldn't have been injured so severely. While Chang Yu had been beaten in the end, his injuries were only superficial, not affecting his bones or tendons.

However, it was different for Shi Feiyu. Chang Yu's kick had broken his ribs, and it would take some time to heal. Having nothing better to do, Shi Feiyu took out the incomplete Arts of Talisman and the talisman brush he had collected to start copying.

Creating talismans required a strong origin of divine soul energy. For him, who hadn't activated his origin of divine soul energy, it was quite a struggle.

The first page of the manual described a kind of "Strong Gale Talisman." Shi Feiyu had no idea about its power. At the moment, he could only manage to copy a small part of it using the talisman brush, and soon he started to sweat.

The sweat wasn't due to the pain from his injuries, but rather because creating talismans required specific steps and materials. What Shi Feiyu was doing now was nothing like the proper procedure. If he hadn't activated his origin of divine soul energy, he would have already been harmed by the powerful energy backlash.

As his hands shook while using the talisman brush, his forehead was covered in sweat. Suddenly, there was a faint "Fart" sound from under the chair Shi Feiyu was sitting on.

The spiritual monkey, Grey, who was crouching by the bed, first sniffed and then covered its nose with its hands, turning its head away with a disgusted expression.

Unaware of this, Shi Feiyu was focused on his copying. However, not long after, he began to feel his head pounding, and his vision started to blur.

He had only copied about one-tenth of the "Strong Gale Talisman," and he hadn't used any of his origin of divine soul energy. His origin of divine soul energy couldn't withstand such a tremendous consumption.

Setting down the talisman brush and sighing, Shi Feiyu realized he needed to activate his origin of divine soul energy as soon as possible. Relying solely on the slight innate divine soul energy he had wasn't enough to create talismans.

Nevertheless, he wasn't one to easily give up. While resting on his bed, he continuously recalled the things he had copied earlier.

Seeing his pale complexion, the highly intelligent Grey jumped onto the bed and pulled up the blanket for him. Shi Feiyu couldn't help but feel that it was remarkably smart, although he didn't think much about it at the moment. He soon fell into a deep sleep.

"Below the mountain, there's a tower, where the girl is laughing, I jump in delight, jump in delight!"

The next morning, Shi Feiyu, who was still asleep, suddenly heard a hoarse voice singing outside. He saw Zhou Lian, holding a mountain chrysanthemum, swaying and humming a tune as he approached.

Given that he wasn’t back all night, and was singing such a song, Shi Feiyu instantly knew what Zhou Lian had been up to.

Glancing at the Arts of Talisman volume that he had left on the table the previous night, he quickly took it and walked out with a sly smile.

Since he couldn't draw the complete Fierce Gale Talisman, why not simplify it temporarily and give it a try? With this sudden idea in mind, Shi Feiyu quickly got up from under the bed, picked up the brush and paper, and began to draw according to his mental image.

To his surprise, he had a stroke of good luck and, in one go, used a small amount of his remaining divine soul energy to draw a simplified version of the Fierce Gale Talisman on the paper. Without waiting for Zhou Lian to return to the room, Shi Feiyu hurriedly spoke, "Pizza face, I have something to show you."

In the past, Shi Feiyu would usually be too slow to escape when he saw Zhou Lian coming, so Zhou Lian rarely visited his room. Hearing this sudden remark, he instinctively turned and asked, "What's going on?"

Over the past three years, Shi Feiyu had been unable to absorb the Source Qi, and he lacked a powerful divine soul energy. As a result, whenever Zhou Lian had some free time, he would find ways to tease him.

Although the relationship between the two senior brothers was not harmonious, there was no deep-seated enmity between them.

"I remembered the Fierce Gale Talisman you created yesterday and was inspired to replicate it." With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Shi Feiyu quickly put away the remaining scroll of the Arts of Talisman and walked out.

The highly intelligent Grey followed him as they went out. Seeing the monkey, Zhou Lian narrowed his eyes and curiously asked, "Why is this monkey on Flowing Cloud Peak?"

It appeared that Zhou Lian had some history with this monkey as well. However, Shi Feiyu had no interest in discussing that now. Instead, he raised the talisman he had just created with a smile.

But Zhou Lian burst into laughter upon seeing it. "Junior brother, this is nothing but a poorly drawn one. A true talisman doesn't look like this."

Without waiting for Shi Feiyu to respond, Zhou Lian drew a proper Strong Gale Talisman with the talisman brush, and the paper made a rustling sound as he shook it in front of Shi Feiyu's eyes. "See, this is the art of talismans. You still have a long way to go."

Compared to the one Zhou Lian had made, the one in Shi Feiyu's hand indeed looked less impressive. However, he responded nonchalantly, "Since Senior Brother looks down on the talisman I've drawn, why not try its power?"

Zhou Lian also didn't believe that Shi Feiyu could create a talisman. He sneered and said, "Sure, let's give it a try. But let's make a deal: if your talisman is ineffective, you must wash my underwear for a month."

Upon hearing this wager, Shi Feiyu's mouth twitched. Zhou Lian had been bugging him about this ever since they arrived on the mountain, and he had refused to comply. Now, Shi Feiyu was stuck.

He didn't have much confidence in the simplified talisman he had drawn. "Alright, I agree, but if you lose, you have to handle the daily cleaning of Flowing Cloud Peak."

"Watch carefully!" Shi Feiyu exclaimed. Remembering all the times Zhou Lian had pranked him, he was now determined to win. He hurled the talisman he had just created to the ground and stepped back.

Both of them stared intently at the talisman, which seemed to deliberately delay its descent, causing their hearts to race. Even Grey, the spiritual monkey, held its breath, its eyes fixed on the slowly falling talisman.

With a soft thud, the talisman finally landed on the ground. However, they waited for a while but didn’t see any apparent result. Shi Feiyu, with clenched fists, had his palms drenched in sweat. Zhou Lian's lips curled into a smug smile.

"In the end, it's a fake," Shi Feiyu sighed softly. He knew he was about to lose.

Just as he was about to admit his defeat, Grey, the spiritual monkey, suddenly darted forward and tore the talisman into pieces.


Before they could react, the torn talisman unexpectedly exploded with a loud noise. Immediately after, Zhou Lian and the monkey were simultaneously sent flying by a massive surge of energy.

The energy burst from the talisman was like a gust of wind, but its eruption was sudden, almost like an explosive shockwave.

After the dust settled, Zhou Lian lay on the ground, groaning and twitching. He had been thrown quite a distance and was clearly disoriented.

The monkey, although also sent flying, had managed to land on its feet and began urinating on Zhou Lian.

Dizzy and disoriented from the impact, Zhou Lian didn't seem to notice. In fact, he didn't even realize that Grey had just urinated on him. Grey finished and leaped off him, clapping its hands in celebration.

Seeing this scene, Shi Feiyu's eyes were filled with astonishment.

Amidst his uproarious laughter, Shi Feiyu had finally had his revenge for all the pranks Zhou Lian had played on him over the past three years.

Grey, seeing its master so joyous, joined in by jumping around and making weird monkey sounds. Zhou Lian, now sitting up and looking rather disheveled, appeared somewhat disgruntled.

He had initially thought Shi Feiyu was certain to lose, which was why he dared to make a bet. However, it turned out that he was the one who lost the wager. While cleaning Flowing Cloud Peak wasn't a big deal, saving face as a senior brother was more important.

In contrast to Zhou Lian's discomfort, Shi Feiyu was burning with enthusiasm. This had been just a simplified talisman he had copied. If he could create the complete Fierce Gale Talisman, how much power would it possess?

"It looks like I need to find a way to activate my origin of divine soul energy as soon as possible," Shi Feiyu thought. He was about to close the door to his room when he heard a scolding voice coming from the mountain path.