Blessing in Disguise

"What? grandpa I did everything you assigned to me but why would I marry a stranger? and the worst is being a live in son-in-law. No way!" Josh is really not satisfied with the task, he would gladly go the battlefield than become a shameless live in son-in-law.

"Josh this is also a part of your training besides I picked someone that is so beautiful just like other models and celebrities" Roland said it as he grinned.

"But its a shameful thing to be a live in son-in-law and it will tarnish my reputation in the future" even though Josh is so low-key and humble he still wants to preserve his pride and reputation.

" Yes it is indeed shameful but that's one of the obstacles that you will be facing. Your father and I discuss some terms I will handover to you the Stargaze Corporation but you need to be married for 2 years before I hand it over to you" Roland said with a smile.

Josh sighed and dispirited, the Silver family pity Josh because of this task. No one in the whole world wants to be a live in son-in-law.

A devilish smile appears in Roland face and said to Josh "oh my beloved grandson I know marriage is so important that's why I won't let you suffer and I'm sure you will not reject your fiancee Bonna Jenner right?"

Josh heart skipped a bit when he heard Bonna's name. Bonna is his first love in highschool she's a campus bell and a heiress to the Jenner family. Bonna is a kind woman and he often help Josh when he has no lunch to eat, she also gave him some money and never ask for return. He fell in love with a kind goddess but his heart broke when he learn that Bonna has a fiance and will be marry after college. So he expected that right now Bonna is already married but to his surprise she's not.

"it's a good opportunity for you to win her heart don't you think so? my beloved grandson"

Josh is still in daze and he blushed. "You mean she's the one that I will marry? but she has a fiance"

"yes she will be the one that you're gonna marry, and I know that she has a fiance I set that up 7 years ago and he's name is Josh Silver one of my grandson" and he winked at Josh.

Josh is so shocked to core, he can't believe that all this time he is the fiance of Bonna. 'Damn! grandpa really set this up well who would want to be a live in son-in-law? but in return I can marry Bonna. I think it's a blessing in disguise' he thought.

"Hahaha! Grandpa look at Josh he's already thinking what to do after he marries Bonna" Emmett teased his younger brother and followed by the teasing of their relatives. "Damn you! brother"

"Brother I'm sure you can accomplish the mission that grandfather gave to you and I trust you I will be waiting for you to take over the entire family" Emmett look at his little brother with full of trust in his eyes.

"thank you brother"

'No matter what I will accomplish this mission and I will also win your heart Bonna my love'.


At the Jenner's Villa

There's an old man in his seventies sitting on a large and luxurious chair and his eyes is full of fear. He is Robert the patriarch of the Jenner family, the woman beside him is his wife Christine Frost. Robert has a white hair with a good physical appearance and his wife has a long white hair, white skin and a beautiful face.

Robert received a call earlier from the butler of Silver family and told him that his young master is back and they need to proceed the marriage. However Robert's granddaughter Bonna has a long time boyfriend the heir of the Douglas family.

"Dear what's wrong?" Christine ask his husband she's worried because he knows that his husband is a very brave and prideful man.

"Dear what will I do? they are back and they want Bonna to marry their young master but Bonna has a boyfriend and his boyfriend is not just anyone but the heir of the Douglas family." Christine is dumbfounded because of what she heard just now. 'those guys are back? that powerful entity that are hiding in the shadows'. Three decades ago Robert build his business empire from scratch and he successfully enlisted his family to be rank 10 in the top 10 most powerful families in oracle city but no matter how hard he try he can't push further the development of his family. 7 years ago an unknown force contacted him and made him a deal that they will make them the top family of oracle city in exchange is his most outstanding granddaughter Bonna Jenner will be married to their young master after college. The other party knows that Robert is very cautious man so just in 3 days they made the Jenner family powerful that they are now the rank 3 in the Oracle City. Robert was very thankful and he immediately agreed and the other party promise him that they will help the Jenner family develop not just in oracle city but to the other city and states as well. After that contact they couldn't reach them again and they thought that they just vanished into thin air that's why they allowed Bonna to have a boyfriend but right now the hidden force has resurfaced again.

"they contacted you again dear?" Christine can't believe it.

"yes dear and this time they want the marriage, but the problem is I don't know how powerful they are. We know how powerful the Douglas they are the rank 1 powerful family in oracle city. They can destroy us but if the other party is stronger than the Douglas then we don't have to fear them." right now Robert is very worried. One wrong choice will bring the destruction to their family.

'Damn it!' he cursed in his heart.

"Dear let's summon all of the family members right now and have a meeting about this"

"Yes you're right" Robert agree to his wife.

"Eman, summon them all and call them for a family meeting this is serious" he ordered to his butler. When the butler saw Roberts serious face he knows that it is very serious and it will not be delayed. "Yes sir!" he immediately call all the family members for the meeting at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.