You're that Kid

Some of the most influential people in Oracle City are currently kneeling at Josh. If somebody saw this scene they will be fainted out of shocked.

    "Young master My name is Joseph Lillard, I am your humble servant" he spoke while kneeling.

When it comes to ranking, he is below and the higher ups from their organization only sending their secretary to contact him. That is why when Andrew contacted him he knows that this is a serious matter but never he imagine that their young master will come. When he learn that from Andrew he is scared out if his wits. Andrew ordered him to take care of their young master and pick up Josh from the airport. He is also aware of the task from the head of the organization.

   "Well Uncle Joseph I'll have to trouble you in the future" he replied with a bright smile in his face.

Joseph trembled, "Young master you don't have to call me uncle"

   "Uncle I know what you're thinking, please rest assured. I respect you as my elder no matter what's our status"

   The people who's kneeling to Josh including the big shots of Oracle City lift their heads up and look to Josh.

   "Everyone please don't kneel before me, You guys are the powerful people in this City. Don't bow your heads so easily, preserve your pride because you guys are the representative and leaders in this City" he look to each one of them.

Joseph and the people in the landing zone are all in awe of him and they respect him for his attitude. Not only he respect their status, but Josh didn't even look down anyone of them.

   'This boy is outstanding and he commands respect' they thought in their hearts. Now they can see the eyes of Joseph and his underlings look Joseph with pride and great respect as if Josh is their savior and protector.

The big shots in Oracle City introduce themselves and gave their contacts to Josh. He thanked them and bid them farewell as Josh needs to prepare for his engagement tonight. The big shots of Oracle City instantly knows that they must keep his identity a secret.

Josh got to Joseph's car and left the airport.

"Young master your clothes and shoes that you will be wearing at the engagement party later has been prepared. Shall we go to the Old Jenner's place?"

Josh nodded and said "Yes, I want to meet them first and I need to give them a gift"

"Young master, we can only send gifts to the patriarch and his wife but to the other Jenners we can't. It will be risky to expose your identity, the Jenner family knows that your identity is just a live-in son-in-law"

"I know no worries" he smiled but he quickly asked "What's the situation of the Jenners and their allies? I want every information about this City including the wealthy families and the underground forces" his eyes suddenly become cold as ice.

Joseph the King of the South underground forces is sweating and trembling. His personal guard and driver are no better than him. They are from the underground forces. It means there's a lot of blood in their hands and they killed a lot of their enemies and still they can't help but tremble when they sensed Josh's killing intent.  'I've heard that Young Master went to outer region battlefield, his killing intent far surpasses some generals in the military, I'm certain that Young Master is a dominator in the battlefield who killed at least tens of thousands of warriors'  he thought in his heart.

Josh noticed that Joseph and his underlings sweats and trembling hands. He suppressed his killing intent in an instant. Joseph quickly wipe the sweats in his forehead and told him everything about the Oracle City and the forces in it.

While they are talking in the car, the people outside are shocked because a long line of rolls royce can be seen. What more is the police and military personally escorting the long line of rolls royce. 'The people from the rolls royce is surely a big shot if the military and police personally escort them' the people minds almost went crazy.

Meanwhile the wealthy families in the City are shocked, some of them are worried and some of them are excited. They want to know who is the big shot who came to their City.

Meanwhile Anthony and Damon were at the restaurant discussing how they will attack and seize the assets of the five families when they received the news about a big shot who came to their City. Both of them are shocked because even though the chief of police department, Commander of Military in Oracle City and the Mayor of the City respect them, they still not dare to provoke them easily. What shocks them is that the three powerful men in the City went to the airport and personally escort that person. Damon and Anthony thought to themselves 'that person might be terrifying'

They went home and quickly ordered their family to lay low. They both called Mike, Marcus, and Frank to know who and what is the status of the person they picked up at the airport but the three men quickly ignored and told them that no one in the City can't afford to offend that person.

The three men did their best to block every information and some roads so no one will know that their destination is at the Jenner's residence.


At the Jenner's Villa

      Through the secret part of the villa, Robert and Christine are both anxiously waiting for the arrival of Young Master of the hidden force. Roberts palms are sweating and her wife is trying her best to calm down. They sent all the members of Jenner family to do some tasks, according to the plan no one can see the future son-in-law of the Jenner family until tonight. Andrew Kennedy also told them that Robert needs to tell his family members that Josh is just a penniless man and Robert successfully done the task. Almost everyone in the Jenner family are disgusted to the upcoming husband of Bonna.

The butler of Jenner family came to the room and anxiously said "Master they are here!" The old couple rush to welcome them. They dumbfounded when they saw the Mayor, the chief of police department and the commander in chief of Oracle City escorting a rolls royce. They haven't recovered from shock but another scene blows their mind. Joseph the King of the South Oracle City underground forces got down from rolls royce and personally open the door and bow to a young man.

They never imagine that they will see a scene like this in their entire life. A young man made the big wigs of Oracle City bow down. When Josh walks up to them they finally return to their senses. Robert narrowed his eyes, 'I feel like this kid is really familiar'

"Good morning Grandma and Grandpa" Josh smiled brightly to them. Both the old couple stood rooted to the ground and their jaw dropped. They remember his voice, although his appearance changes, his voice just slightly changed. Josh and the two elders has complicated emotions right now.

'He's that kid before' ... Robert and Christine's thoughts are running wild.