The End of the Beginning

"Beautiful weather to-"


"Hey watch it psycho"

*huff* huff*

"People these days, running around without a care in the world, acting like fucking lunatics in my books. Aishh, what I'd give to be young and kicking again."

May the 31st, golden light rays illuminated the sky and everything beneath. The earth, seemingly jealous that the sky absorbed the radiant light of the Sun, grew hills and mountains as tall as the sky, allowing the golden light of the Sun to pour forth its warmth. On this rocky, terrestrial planet filled with lush greneries and diverse lifeforms, a young mortal was running as fast as his legs could carry him.

*huff* huff*

Panting, yes, he was panting. Why? You may ask. Well that's easy, because the fate of the earth, lives of the eight billion people and the lives of the twenty quintillion animal population -including insects of course- depends on him. If someone were to take out their phone to check the time, they'd realize that it appeared to be less than a minute to 5pm. Great news for the working class, who get to abandon all work related quests and run home, not so much for the food delivery guy who has to beat the 5pm rush hour, lest he gets stuck in traffic again. Not much hope for him there and not much hope for the rest of the inhabitants of the world who would soon watch everything they love and cherish, slip away from their fingers, a pity indeed.

*huff* huff*

"Almost there."

Huffing, panting and wheezing like a little wimp, Teke, supposedly age twenty today, eased his all out sprint into a light jog. As tired as he was, he knew what had to be done. If he didn't take it head on, this whole city would be vanquished and the first bits of damage would be secured on the earth's core. He turned his head towards the traffic light still showing the red figure of a man.

"Almost there but there's not enough time. I guess I'll make a break for it."

That you should young man, have I mentioned that the fate of humanity and all lifeforms that depend on the earth to survive depends on your very existence? Of course I have. Run through the traffic light.

"Guess I'll ignore the traffic light, who cares anyway?"

Ahahh, back to the whole city would be vanquished to bits stuff, yes, in about fifteen seconds, the firmament surrounding the earth in about four places would be punctured and beams of pure power devastating enough to shatter ten skies and break apart two moons would be shot through the earth and into its core. Yes, the earth would then proceed to be destroyed, if there is no obstruction of course. Obstruction of what you may ask? It has to be an obstruction of flesh and blood. The beam hits a being, the being's entire molecular structure is blown to bits by the energy strong enough to shatter ten skies and break apart two moons, then the magic occurs.

With great willpower, the being uses the energy that turned it to dust to actually reform itself. The process is called gene restructuring. While some beings in the vast cosmos actually encounter the chance to undergo gene restructuring, a beam of pure energy like this has never struck a planet before, not to talk of actually using their fickle willpower to reform themselves under such intense energy baptism. Only a being with strong willpower enough to defy the very heavens, karmic luck nurtured for several lifetimes and the love from the being's home planet can withstand twenty percent of the energy beam to restructure itself, leaving the rest of the eighty percent for the planet to absorb. With the destructive parts of the energy beam absorbed by the sentient being, the planet then gets to absorb the healthy parts and escape annihilation, saving the lives of quintilions in the process. Of course it doesn't end there but lots would be said about it in the future.

At this moment, the fifteen second window was up, with a loud bang, the firmament above was torn in four places surrounding the earth.

The first one! *bang* the sky above the Pacific ocean was torn, a beam as golden as the Sun struck. Strangely the ocean wasn't blown apart, rather like a fish in water, the beam went down to the depths of the water where two bright eyes could be seen, if you could actually see at that depth that is. Target one, a fish!

The second one! *bang* the sky above a large expanse of sand was torn, apparently, this was a dessert. A beam as golden as the Sun struck. Watching the torn sky above its head with a cold glance was a Dragon. Well, not an actual one, imagine a Dragon, now decrease its likeness a billion fold. Ahahh, now we have what humans call, a komodo dragon, looks nothing like a Dragon if I may add. Target two, an over grown lizard! Hmm, maybe it's just pregnant?

The third one! *bang* the sky above a tropical forest was vanquished, a gigantic snake about ten meters long slowly lifted its head.

"Its about time."

Excuse you, what? Did that damned snake just talk? The fuck? Target three, a talking python!


"Hey, watch it."

*honk* honk*

"I made it, it should be any second now."

Ignoring the crazy stares he was getting from pedestrians and drivers alike, Teke made it safely to the huge statue in form of a foot that served as a roundabout and started climbing. The clearer the vantage point the better he guessed, he had just the one shot at this. If by some error he missed, then the whole of white stone city would be reduced to rubble and dust. Willpower, karmic luck and the love of his planet, he definitely had all three.

The fourth one! *bang* the sky above a city was torn. Teke climbed into position, staring at the golden beam that emerged from the hole in the sky, a beam that seemed to want to destroy his very being.

"Here it comes." With eyes steeled with resolve, Teke glanced at the light above his head and muttered

"As a regressor, this is one hell of a birthday gift."

Target four, a little mortal boy!