Earth's laws

BOOM the fifth bolt descended with a loud bang and unleashed its full wrath upon Teke who had only perfected his body structure at the last minute. The bolt so powerful, pushed him straight into the ground and now there was a Teke-shaped crater running for a few dozen meters.

"Ugh, that was crazy. Luckily my body is strong enough to endure it thanks to the pure energy beam that descended from above the firmament."

The energy beam had gone into total stillness the moment the tribulation began, now it was just hovering like a hot air balloon above Teke's head waiting for the right opportunity to continue to unleash its onslaught. The beam followed him wherever he went as if it had locked onto him like a heat-seeking missile. The strange thing was when the heavenly tribulations sent down bolts of lightning, about ten percent of their power was absorbed by the energy beam and it seemed to be getting stronger with each strike.

After the fifth bolt of lightning was shot down, the tribulation clouds rumbled and condensed even more to the size of a few meters over Teke's head, it was gathering all its energy for the final bolt.

It was going to be terrifying.

All of a sudden *bang*

The sky above the firmament was ripped open again and a ray of light was shot down. However this light seemed to contain two different aura around it, both were laws. One was the familiar Law of Annihilation except this time, its boundless aura didn't seem to match up with the previous one they were on different levels. The other one though seemed to have some kind of otherworldly air around it, it seemed so calm in comparison to the air of annihilation it was entangled with, separately they were opposites, but together they brought balance to each other.

The ray of light penetrated the tribulation clouds and boy did they begin to boil with anger. An attack on the clouds simply signified an attack on the Will of the universe.

Teke who was alone in the middle of the storm felt a change to the tribulation bearing down on him. Although his body was complete, the was nothing God slaying about it unless he completed the tribulation and absorbed the restorative parts of the golden beam that descended at the beginning.

The pressure of the tribulation bore down on Teke as he resisted with all his might.

"Haha. Well, it wouldn't be fun if disaster didn't strike at the last moment. Watch me turn this around."

Without waiting for further confirmation hinting readiness from the mortal below, the last lightning bolt struck down with the wrath of the universe.


A huge crater was created in the huge crater that was created before.

However, this one swallowed the first one a hundred times over. Minutes pass and after the dust in the air cleared away there was... absolutely nothing.

Hundreds of meters below the surface of the earth lies our poor hero with a poorer ending. Not for long though.


The once-cleared air was once again filled with dust particles.

"Damn, I have to freaking scrub the hell out of myself. I just got this body and now it's almost ruined. Well, the party's over, if not now, when else would I eat the cake?"

Rubbing the filth from his eyes, he looked around for a familiar light source and saw the cause of his part misfortune and part fortune hovering above his head like a ball, waiting desperately to be kicked.

"Haha come, I've been patiently waiting for you, so make sure you fill me up real good, I don't want to have to spit out any juice. I made my body big enough to accommodate you, give me huge benefits!"

Teke took a strong leap into the air and snatched the golden orb from the air, opened his mouth wide, and then swallowed.


"Hehe and now we wait, hopefully, it doesn't take too long. Eh? Just like that?"

With a thought, Teke examined the insides of his body and almost jumped with a start. His cells, they were, how to put it? At first glance, everything seemed normal and it remains normal, that is, until you take the second glace.

It seemed so eye-catching, his body was in one word, happy.

Yes, happy. Exceedingly so in fact, his cells were dancing at such intense speeds that they were vibrating. Each cell was filled with vitality, they had consumed half of the energy from the golden orb in mere seconds. Consuming the other half would have been no problem at all if it hadn't initiated a breakthrough.

The problem was that he could not make a breakthrough on Earth anymore as Earth was only Tier One at this moment and Earth had laws governing her that didn't allow any life form to step on her surface as long as its life aura was greater than the earth's. Earth's laws prevent other terrestrial beings from invading while protecting their inhabitants. A situation like Teke's had never occurred before, whereby an 'awakened' would advance in tiers before the opening of the game space.

Although technically speaking, Teke could have a breakthrough on Earth, doing so would cause catastrophic damage to the Earth and her core. Of course, the limits of Earth's laws on other terrestrial beings only apply to those from tier one to four. Such flimsy laws couldn't possibly stop gods from descending but the good news was that the gods had vanished, yep, all of them.