That evening, I dressed in a hoodie and pants to the tryouts. The girls I was seeing there were tough, and looking like professionals. It's being long I've played but my hand touching the ball in the morning multivated me.
" You're here" a voice came from behind, I turned and saw Andrew smiling
" You told me to come" I said
" Yeah and you're right on time, it's just about to begin" he said and I smiled
" You look nervous, just be cool" he said patting my shoulder
" Yeah" I replied before going into the court.
The game wasn't really that tough, they didn't even match my standard the only girl I was having trouble with was a tall blonde. She was tall so she had more advantage.
" She's good" Andrew said to his friend
" Yeah" he replied
" Why are you focusing on only her, the blonde is better" a girl said
" Mona, she has skills. The other is just tall" Andrew said
" What do you think Scott?" Mona asked Andrew friend
" I think Andrew is right on this one, the way she stopped the ball this morning shows she's good" Scott said
" If you think she's really that good then" Mona said taking off her jacket
" Everyone vacate the court, the girl in hoodie wait behind" Mona added
" Girls, let's have a match" she said telling the school team
" You guys in only her, that's not a fair game" Andrey said
" I'm the captain of the female team, and you're the captain of the male team. Don't interfere in my work" Mona said leaving
" She'll give her a hard time" Scott said
" I know" Andrew said
At first when all the girls were standing against me I thought I was so stupid to not run but later they didn't also match my standard. They're good but not good enough, it's quite long they've trained. It was obvious they didn't know how to play like that again, like they've played last two years or more.
The feeling of me whipping their asses was so great but I got carried away and the ball hit me straight in my belly and I fell flat on the floor
" Is that what they call good enough?" Mona said in my face
" You blonde, you're on the team" she added
" And she?" The couch said approaching
" Won't she be on the team?" She asked
" Mam, she's not....
" Good enough?, She almost beat you all in the team and she's not good enough for you. Just so you know she's better than you all put together" she said cutting Mona shut and then she looked at me
" you're on the team, practice and training at 5pm during weekdays and 3pm during weekends" she said
" Better be careful or I'll remove you from being captain" she said facing Mona before leaving
" What you all looking at, drama is over" Tess, Mona friend yelled and everyone was leaving one by one
" You think you won, I'll show you" Mona said leaving with Tess
" Let me help you up" Andrew said giving me a hand
" Welcome to the team" a girl said approaching me and I remembered her. She was the girl from that night before Andrew came out but before I could say anything some others came to greet me as well and I smiled